Getting into your UI/UX style

Getting into your UI/UX style

A lot of time I get asked how I learned UI/UX and I end up looking confused because I don’t believe there’s one particular method for learning it. So in this article, I’d be listing the different types of ways I’ve seen people learn UI/UX.

I grouped UI/UX Designers into four groups based on how they learn the skill and they are:

  • The Big-Chunkers
  • The Rag-Taggers
  • The Idea-Steroids
  • The Never-Give-Uppers

Just my classification though, let’s not be pointy


The Big-Chunkers

These guys are what I call the regular disciples, they are all in for the PDFs, they learn by chunking up readable data before trying it out themselves. They follow the mindset of principles before practice and are very stereotypical about the way they carry out their design process. Their go-to for help are usually articles they can find on Google(since there’s no Stackoverflow for designers, is there? Haha. But seriously, if there is, comment on it).


The Rag-Taggers

This set of designers are a bit rowdier, they like videos they can work side by side with, they’re the split screeners(haha). Their browser history is filled up with more youtube links than you can keep up with. They believe in the golden “Practice makes perfect” rule and are proud of it. They have little concern for stereotypes and are big on the fanbase of their tutors. Their go-to for solutions is obviously YouTube.


The Idea-Steroids

They are known for one thing and they do it best, seeing ideas at every instance. These guys tend to move around other guys from other Tech niches and they always get to discuss ideas and that how they learn. They love flowcharts and brainstorming and are very big on their network. They are the learn-on-the-task guys, and most time they get to work on actual projects earlier than the other types of designers.


The Never-Give-Uppers

Ever had that anime character that just never gives up? Yeah, these guys are the ones in question. They’re rule breakers and they hate logic, they don’t have a defined growth chart as they fluctuate between noob and expertise. They consume everything that helps and they have loads of abandoned side-project. These guys are relentless and always want to find a new way around doing things.

They have one slogan “Akiramenaide”.


While the first three types may stick to one tool and may engage in race wars over their design tools, the last guys on the list just sit back and watch while using any tool that completes their task.